The Big Things in Life

Landmarks are often the way in which I reflect upon my life.  I have the typical landmarks: high school graduation, college graduation, first apartment, first car, getting a tattoo.  Some personal landmarks include my travels, the plays I've performed in, the passing of a loved one, meeting my best friends,  the jobs I have worked. Right now, instead of experiencing landmarks of my own, I have the privilege of experiencing the landmarks of others.  My mom joined the work force this week in a FULL-TIME position.  My mother's career as a home-maker has now taken the giant leap that she has been working toward these last few years.  I couldn't be more proud of her!  My younger sister is getting married.  She is preparing for an exceptional wedding that will be incredibly special and I can't wait to just be with her for five days in Costa Rica to celebrate.  I couldn't be more proud of her!  My friend Abbi is going through a very tough situation in her relationship and it has taken blood, guts, and tears to get her where she is today.  She is incredibly strong and gracious and patient as the love of her life works through his personal challenges. I couldn't be more proud of her!  My darling friend Marya just graduated from medical school and has now moved to Alaska for 3 years for residency.  In doing so she is fulfilling not one but two long time goals.  This move has been one of the most challenging decisions of her life but she has taken the leap.  She is incredibly brave to do so and I couldn't be more proud of her!

Two weeks ago today my roommate Bekah was diagnosed with Leukemia.  This is the hardest thing I have ever watched someone go through.  I have spent the last two weeks praying constantly and trying not to cry at the drop of a hat.  I have Bekah on my mind every hour of the day.  I can't stop talking about her to people and I can't stop thinking about how incredible she is.  She is INCREDIBLE!  This is such a difficult reality to grasp for myself - let alone for the woman who is now living with the knowledge that she has cancer.  And yet, as I write this, I hear Bekah's delightful laugh coming from the kitchen.  She and her sister are in stitches about something and it makes me realize that having cancer can't really change a person.  Bekah is still every bit the woman I know and love; the woman with whom I LOVE to laugh.  Yes, we cry a lot too, but my hope is that this time, this landmark in Bekah's life, is one that can also be filled with the laughter that is characteristic of the person she is. She is the strongest woman I know and I couldn't be more proud of her!


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