Same Love

"Not tolerating someone for his narrow-mindedness is perhaps the epitome of intolerance."

This article is something my friend Will sent me a while ago after we had a conversation about my family. You see I am from conservative Christian stock.  I am now a democrat and extremely liberal but the majority of my family belongs to the American right-wing Republican Party. Because of this, I have never been able to understand how people can demonize either side of various issues: conservative or liberal. My family could never be the enemy and they certainly have opinions worth listening to because they are educated individuals who have far more life experience than I. My grandparents and my parents believe very differently than I do but that doesn't mean I think they are ignorant bigoted hypocrites.  I love them and they love me.

The article is about one man's story of discovering he was gay and then the struggle to tell people at his Christian college which for many men and women is extremely difficult because they fear the Christian response.  June is LGBT Pride Month and believe me when I say I am all about pride! Two of my closest friends are gay and I couldn't be more delighted that they are. They feel the freedom to express themselves and be true to who they are. How can anyone judge that?  Gay rights are important and gay men and women have fought so hard to be able to have events such as parades and rallies and festivals and dance parties and months of the year celebrating their humanity! But gay rights go well beyond these events. Gay rights are the rights of every human on the planet to love and be loved for exactly who they are.  How can anyone deny someone that basic right? I think that when we judge that which is "other" or "different" we are not showing love.  And when we deny someone their right to be loved, I think we don't recognize the "other" as human. And that applies to both sides: conservative or liberal. Show love and be loved and maybe, just maybe, intolerance can be a thing of the past.

When I see things on the news about Gay Rights and people getting really upset about it, I can't help but think that if both sides of these highly emotionally charged political debates would simply see the other side as other humans trying their best to do what they can to stand by their beliefs, maybe we would be able to love each other better in this country. On that note, I would like to share one of my new favorite songs.  I think I cried the first time I listened to it on the radio.  It sums up this post pretty well.  Enjoy.


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