Today was my first solo run in a good long while.  You see, I run with my friend Will about 4 or 5 days a week - more if we can manage it.  But yesterday Will flew to Austria to attend a wedding and will be gone for two weeks which means I need to find the motivation to run...alone.  It is so much easier to run with a buddy, especially a running buddy like Will who will always push me to do more than I think I can.  So today I set out to do 6 miles.  I plotted the course and grabbed my ipod.  I knew I would need something to keep me running for over an hour.  No sounds of nature for me today.  Plus I needed something to make me think.  I have a lot floating around in my mind today and I was determined to work through it all during my run.  No sooner was I a half block up the street then I tripped and fell and skinned my knee and both hands.  The funny thing is, I have always been terrified of this day; the day I would trip and fall while running.  Running is such an important part of my life right now. I have worked so hard both before and after surgery to be able to run (and run longer distances) and I just get scared that something is going to happen that will stop me from running, from reaching my goal.  I'm glad my first fall was such a minor one. I picked myself back up, made sure nothing was bleeding profusely, checked my joints to be certain they still could fulfill their duties and off I went again, more determined than ever to finish what I set out to do.  The simple truth of the matter is that I don't know if I will be able to run tomorrow.  I don't know if I will even be able to get out of bed.  The future will always be uncertain. We just don't know what tomorrow will bring which kinda sucks but also gives us the freedom to live for today.  Today I succeeded in running 6 miles.  It felt incredible and it helped me gain some clarity of mind.  Today I did what I was able and tomorrow I shall do the same.  And if I fall again tomorrow I hope I have the ability to pick myself up and keep running, if for no other reason than I can.


  1. You are AMAZING!! Glad to hear you've been out running and 6 miles to boot! Keep it up Natalie:) love you and your positive outlook


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