Just Listen

Ommmm. (breathe) Ommmm (breathe) OMMMM! (breathe).  I'm not sure I'm doing this right.  I am getting more stressed and my mind is racing. My muscles are starting to cramp from sitting crossed legged for more than five minutes.  I'm not sure I am cut out for this meditation stuff.  I know that I need something to help with the stress in my life and I know I need to find a relaxation practice; something that will help me clear my mind and release my emotions. I have a habit of keeping them all pent up and then I explode out of nowhere. I've tried yoga and I like it but I find it very difficult to relax and clear my mind when my muscles are screaming with pain and my balance is completely out of whack.  So what do you do when traditional forms of meditative stress-relieving balance-restoring activities fail you?

Recently I have been crying a lot when I'm alone in my car. Not the best for a driver to get emotional behind the wheel, I know.  I have been driving a lot more these days because I have a 40 minute commute each way for one of my jobs.  I usually listen to music while I drive and the other day I was listening to the new Adele album. I was sobbing. The album is incredible! Adele's voice is soulful to the nth degree and the lyrics paired with the gorgeous music speak directly to my soul.  Of course I was crying! But I suddenly realized that the soul releasing emotion I was looking for in a meditation practice was happening to me while listening to the music. 

All of my life I have loved music.  But I have never thought of it as a way to meditate or release pent up emotion. I may never meditate like a Buddhist monk or do sun salutations to start my morning, but maybe just sitting and listening to music, that might be the trick. Not doing anything else but let the music feed my soul, clear my mind, and release my emotions.  Sitting on the couch with a cup of tea for 20 minutes while listening to a Bach concerto sounds like the perfect way to reduce stress and just (sigh) relax.  Maybe that's it: my meditation practice. Best not practiced while I'm driving though... 


  1. My Dear Natalie,
    I am reflecting on your years of playing the piano, many times listening to you "get lost" in what you were playing. I know music is in your soul. Especially those wonderful Hymns, like Be Thou My Vision. As you listen to the wonderful lyrics of hymns, your heart and soul will be drawn to Christ and the true comfort and peace that He gives.
    Love you,


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