"So...I'm Engaged!"

Don't worry - not me.  But I have heard that phrase twice in the past week!

JB's Wedding - 2012
'Tis the season...in life that is, for me to plan on going to at least three weddings a year and be invited (but can't attend) at least two or three more.  This year is no different.  I LOVE weddings!  I really do and 2012 marked being a bride's maid for the first and second time.  This year's weddings include me in bridal parties as well!  My roommates are attending or preparing for some very special weddings this year too!  We are all in it together; that is...we are all attending weddings that are not our own.  (Deep breath Natilda).  Now, I know that this season is so exciting and wonderful and lovely and full of joy.  Believe me when I say that I am supremely joy-filled about all the weddings I get to go to and the beginnings of these marriages that I get to support in my own little way.

BUT...here I am, still single and wishing so much that I could know for certain that there is someone out there for me with whom I can spend the rest of my God-given days.  I don't say this to make people feel sorry for me or for people to say, "but there is someone...just be patient!"  I have heard all of that before.  That is not what this is about.  This is about me embracing my singleness and trying really hard to tell myself to live in the moment.  We never will have certainties about tomorrow.  Even in entering a marriage there are no certainties that your spouse will be with you the rest of your life.  So, how do I get away from this idea of a fantastical-fairy-tale-storybook ending of happily-ever-after and a superior joy-filled life once I find the "love of my life?"
Kim's Wedding - 2011
I think the start is to be honest.  Here goes:  I HATE BEING SINGLE! I have heard pastors refer to singleness as being a virtue, but I just don't see it.  I am sorry but I don't.  The grass will always be greener on the other side because man was not made to live alone & neither was woman!  In fact, according to Genesis, womenkind have never been alone.  Adam was there first and then Eve joined him later! I may never truly see the virtue in being single.  Everyone says that being single is so great because you can do whatever you want; free license to be selfish.  So, remind me how selfishness is a virtue?

McBride's Wedding - 2012
And here we come full circle.  Because as much as engagements & weddings remind me of how miserable I am being single, I am also reminded that these weddings aren't about me at all.  And that is the most possitive and refreshing thought of the day!  That is where my joy comes from.  I love it when it ISN'T all about me!  It is so freeing to just focus on others and treat them as though they are the only person on earth that has ever experienced the love and excitement that comes from planning and participating in your very own wedding!


  1. Thanks for sharing so honestly, Natalie! Hugs from across the ocean... :)

  2. You were such a blessing at my wedding, as though you had been through it all yourself. I could not have asked for better in a bridesmaid, yet you were only a guest. Thank you, friend. I look forward to my opportunity to return the kindness. It will all be so worth the wait.

  3. The advice I hope you don't mind I share: One must have a strong, long, loving and healthy relationship with oneself before one can wholeheartedly reciprocate the same to another.



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