
My slogan for Mondays.  Thank you Downton!
Oh how I love having my Mondays "off" but it usually means that I fill my day with millions of other little things so that by the end of my "day off" I have worked a solid 8 hours.  Why do I do this to myself?  I am not sure.  Mondays usually mean scheduling and that means I get wicked stressed out.  I love to just go along in my week living each day with no break and no time to stop and think about all the e-mail's I need to respond to or all the people I should call.  Then Monday rolls around and I realize that an entire week's worth of communication needs to happen in this one day - correction, one morning.  I have things to do with the rest of my day so I usually only get the morning to myself to sip tea, eat some toast and play catch-up while arming myself for the week that is about to happen.  Today feels even more overwhelming because I am trying to schedule so much into the next three weeks!

You see, I got cast in a play!  This is exciting, yes, but overwhelming because I really don't have time to do it.  But it is only a three week rehearsal process and so in that sense it will be a short commitment and a great way to add something to my resume.  That is always a good thing.  Also, April is the month of big auditions for me for local theatre companies and if I am currently performing while auditioning, it will certainly help to keep me on my game!  Oh I am excited.  And once all this scheduling is figured out, I will feel much more zen.  I used to hate Mondays but now I look forward to them.  I get to sleep in.  I usually have a coffee or lunch date with a friend.  Today I am meeting with my mentor.  I get to write thank you notes and make lists and run errands and do laundry and call loved ones...all those things that make me feel a little bit more human.  I am not a work-aholic.  I am a woman who enjoys the little things in life but loves to live life to the fullest.  If that means that I work 60 hours a week to pay the bills, so be it.  If that means that I devote all my evenings this coming week to helping a dear friend with her show, so be it.  If that means agreeing to perform in a show I really don't have time to commit to, so be it.  If that means this is how my life is going to look for the next 5 to 10 years, so be it.  I will not regret doing it all, but I will never be more grateful that I still have my Mondays to do with however I choose!

My list is long today.  God help me to get through it all and to be kind to myself when I realize that I can't get it all done in the next 24 hours.  Time for another cup of tea.


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