The First of Many

‘Split’ envisions things Salem production cannot

The Salem Theatre Company cast is simply not up to the task of illuminating Nikole Beckwith’s “Split —Tales of Escape.” 

Today I got a bad review.  The play I am in was reviewed by The Boston Globe and we were the top story in the arts section with a big photo and everything BUT they bashed the actors and did nothing but praise the playwright.  In some ways, I am thrilled that The Globe even critiqued the show to start with, let alone giving us actors such publicity.  But then we are told that we didn't do a very good job.  Well, thanks but no thanks.  I have always thought that I was my own worst critic but apparently not.  I have put a lot of work into this show and am rather proud of the performances that I give each night with this production.  Do I second guess that now?  Do I change my performance in any way?  It makes me think, "What is the point of a review?"  Constructive criticism from a director I can take and hear and force myself to be a better actor and to work harder but a bad review just makes me mad. There are no specifics mentioned and seemingly nothing constructive about it.  I'm not even certain the reviewer is saying that I am a bad actor but merely that I didn't succeed in bringing the playwrights words to life.  How the heck am I supposed to interpret that?!?!?!  I found this quote today and it has really encouraged me because I don't do theatre to get good reviews and for people to praise me and tell me how wonderful I am.  I do theatre because it is one of the many things in life that makes me happy.  I love it!  I believe in it!  Here's to the first of many bad reviews.

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


  1. You are a fantastic actor and I believe that all of those who were in the show did a excellent job. A real treat to be able to experience live :)


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